Excellence provides consultation services to clients who seek to develop, evaluate, and/or improve their websites and online marketing.

Drawing upon our 20+ years of experience with every aspect of online marketing, we show our clients how to fix mistakes, avoid common pitfalls, and maximize profits for the short and long term.

A consultation consists of the following:

1) A one-hour meeting between the client and Excellence. The client will provide a detailed explanation of its business and organization plus its needs and goals.

2) 3-7 days of research by Excellence into the client’s web site, online marketing, competitors, email list(s), on and off-site search engine optimization, ad campaigns, sales conversions, etc.

3) A written evaluation which will summarize the results of the research and will present a plan of action for the next 1-2 years. This evaluation will identify problem areas, will advise on how to correct them, and will offer medium-term strategy going forward, with a timeline.

4) A follow-up one-hour meeting in which the written report and plan will be explained in detail. The report will become the property of the client, who will use it however he sees fit.

Items analyzed in the report/plan as necessary/appropriate:

  1. Current traffic levels and sources of traffic
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) — on-site and off-site
  3. Social Media presense
  4. Site look and feel
  5. Proper use of USP on home and subpages
  6. Site Navigation
  7. Major Subpages
  8. Bugs, errors
  9. Sales flow
  10. Upsells
  11. Back-end (repeat) sales
  12. Email acquisition and followup
  13. On-site Advertising such as Google AdSense
  14. Off-site advertising such as Google AdWords
  15. Site content and organization
  16. Rankings/back links at Google, Alexa, Yahoo
  17. Product / service expansion
  18. Traffic building techniques
  19. Long-term business system(s)

Are you serious about improving your business and making more money? Contact us to set up a consulation today.